Source code for pysumma.option

import os

[docs]class BaseOption(object): """ Base implementation for representing options in the various text based SUMMA configuration files. This class is meant to be extended rather than used directly. """ def __init__(self, name, value=None): = name self.value = value def __str__(self): return "{} : {}".format(, self.value)
[docs]class OptionContainer(): """ Base implementation for representing text based configuration files for SUMMA. This class is meant to be extended rather than used directly. """ def __init__(self, path, optiontype): """ Instantiate the object and populate the values from the given filepath. """ self.OptionType = optiontype self.opt_count = 0 self.original_path = path self.header = [] self.options = []
[docs] def set_option(self): """This has to be implemented by subclasses""" raise NotImplementedError()
def _get_constructor_args(self, line): """ This has to be implemented by subclasses The purpose of this method is to be able to easily pass arguments to the constructors of subclasses of BaseOption. The implementation will depend on what is considered an option. """ raise NotImplementedError() def __str__(self): return os.linesep.join([str(o) for o in self.options])
[docs] def read(self, path): """Read the configuration and populate the options""" with open(path, 'r') as f: self.original_contents = f.readlines() for line in self.original_contents: if line.startswith('!') and not self.opt_count: self.header.append(line) elif not line.startswith('!'): self.options.append(self.OptionType( *self._get_constructor_args(line))) self.opt_count += 1
[docs] def write(self, path=None): """ Write the configuration based on the string representation of the OptionType of the instance. Parameters ---------- path: (string, optional) Where to write the file. If not provided the original file will be overwritten. """ self.validate() if not path: path = self.original_path with open(path, 'w') as f: f.writelines(self.header) f.writelines((str(o) + '\n' for o in self.options))
[docs] def get_option(self, name, strict=False): """ Retrieve an option Parameters ---------- name: (string) The name of the option to search for strict: (bool, optional) Whether to raise an error if the option is not found. Defaults to ``False``, which does not raise exceptions. """ for o in self.options: if name == return o if strict: raise ValueError("Could not find option {}!".format(name)) return None
[docs] def get_value(self, name, strict=False): """ Retrieve the value of a given option Parameters ---------- name: (string) The name of the option whose value to search for strict: (bool, optional) Whether to raise an error if the option is not found. Defaults to ``False``, which does not raise exceptions. """ for o in self.options: if name == return o.value if strict: raise ValueError("Could not find option {}!".format(name)) return None
[docs] def remove_option(self, name, strict=False): """ Remove an option Parameters ---------- name: (string) The name of the option whose value to remove strict: (bool, optional) Whether to raise an error if the option is not found. Defaults to ``False``, which does not raise exceptions. """ for i, o in enumerate(self.options): if name == return self.options.pop(i) if strict: raise ValueError("Could not find option {}!".format(name)) return None
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear all options""" self.options = []
[docs] def validate(self): """Ensure no options are repeated""" names = [ for o in self.options] assert len(names) == len(set(names)), 'Duplicate options not allowed!'
def __getattr__(self, name): if name == 'options': object.__getattribute__(self, name) names = [ for o in self.options] if name in names: return self.get_option(name) else: object.__getattribute__(self, name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): try: names = [ for o in self.options] if name in names: return self.set_option(name, value) else: object.__setattr__(self, name, value) except AttributeError: object.__setattr__(self, name, value)