Source code for pysumma.calibration.ostrich

import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import shutil
import stat
import sys
import inspect
import subprocess
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from pkg_resources import resource_filename as resource
from pysumma import Simulation
from string import Template
from typing import List, Dict, Union

def read_template(path):
    with open(path, 'r') as f:
    return Template(OST_FILE)

resource = partial(resource, __name__)

# Paths to template files
INPT_FILE = resource('meta/ostIn.template')
EXEC_FILE = resource('meta/model_executable.template')
SAVE_FILE = resource('meta/save_parameters.template')

# Templates
INPT_META = read_template(INPT_FILE)
EXEC_META = read_template(EXEC_FILE)
SAVE_META = read_template(SAVE_FILE)

[docs]class Ostrich(): """ Provides a high level interface to the OSTRICH optimization package. This class can currently only be used for single-objective optimization using the DDS algorithm as defined in the template file. Currently the metrics calculated are KGE, MAE, and MSE as defined in the evaluation package, though more metrics can be implemmented quite easily. A basic workflow for this object is: :: import pysumma as ps summa_exe = './summa.exe' ostrich_exe = './ostrich.exe' file_manager = './file_manager.txt' python_exe = '/pool0/data/andrbenn/.conda/all/bin/python' ostrich = ps.Ostrich(ostrich_exe, summa_exe, file_manager, python_path=python_exe) ostrich.calib_params = [ ps.OstrichParam('paramName', starValue, (minValue, maxValue)), ] ostrich.obs_data_file = '' ostrich.sim_calib_var = 'sim_varname' ostrich.obs_calib_var = 'obs_varname' ostrich.write_config() Attributes ---------- ostrich: Path to OSTRICH executable python_path: Path to Python executable used for the ``run_script``. Note, you may need to set this if you are running the calibration from inside a non-default environment (ie from conda/poetry/etc)! summa: Path to the SUMMA executable template: OSTRICH configuration file template save_template: Template for script to save best parameters run_template: Template for script to run and evaluate SUMMA config_path: Path to location of calibration runs/logs simulation: pysumma Simulation object used as template file_manager: File manager file for SUMMA simulation seed: Random seed for calibration errval: Error value for OSTRICH perturb_val: Strength of parameter perturbations during calibration max_iters: Number of calibration trial runs cost_function: Metric to use when ranking calibration runs maximize: Whether to maximize the ``cost_function`` simulation_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the simulation run function """ def __init__(self, ostrich_executable, summa_executable, file_manager, python_path=sys.executable): """Initialize a new Ostrich object""" self.default_metrics: np.ndarray = np.array(['KGE', 'MAE', 'MSE', 'RMSE', 'NSE']) self.ostrich: str = os.path.abspath(ostrich_executable) self.python_path: str = python_path self.summa: str = summa_executable self.template: Template = INPT_META self.save_template: Template = SAVE_META self.run_template: Template = EXEC_META self.config_path: Path = Path(os.path.abspath(file_manager)).parent / 'calibration' self.simulation = Simulation(summa_executable, file_manager, config_dir=self.config_path) self.file_manager = self.simulation.manager self.run_script: Path = self.config_path / '' self.save_script: Path = self.config_path / '' self.metrics_file: Path = self.config_path / 'metrics.txt' self.metrics_log: Path = self.config_path / 'metrics_log.csv' self.import_strings: str = '' self.function_strings: str = '' self.conversion_function: callable = lambda x: x self.filter_function: callable = lambda x, y: (x, y) self.preserve_output: str = 'no' self.seed: int = 42 self.errval: float = -9999 self.perturb_val: float = 0.2 self.max_iters: int = 100 self.calib_params: List[OstrichParam] = [] self.tied_params: List[OstrichTiedParam] = [] self.cost_function: Union[str, callable] = 'KGE' self.cost_function_code: str = '' self.objective_function: str = 'gcop' self.maximize: bool = True self.simulation_kwargs: Dict = {} self.allow_failures: bool = False self.obs_data_file: str = None self.sim_calib_vars: List = None self.obs_calib_vars: List = None
[docs] def run(self, prerun_cmds=[], monitor=True): """Start calibration run""" if len(prerun_cmds): preprocess_cmd = " && ".join(prerun_cmds) + " && " else: preprocess_cmd = "" cmd = preprocess_cmd + f'cd {str(self.config_path)} && ./ostrich' self.cmd = cmd self.process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) if monitor: self.stdout, self.stderr = self.process.communicate() if isinstance(self.stdout, bytes): self.stderr = self.stderr.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') self.stdout = self.stdout.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
[docs] def test_runscript(self, prerun_cmds=[], monitor=True): """Run a single instance of the underlying runscript""" if len(prerun_cmds): preprocess_cmd = " && ".join(prerun_cmds) + " && " else: preprocess_cmd = "" cmd = preprocess_cmd + f'cd {str(self.config_path)} && ./' self.cmd = cmd self.process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) if monitor: self.stdout, self.stderr = self.process.communicate() if isinstance(self.stdout, bytes): self.stderr = self.stderr.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') self.stdout = self.stdout.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
def monitor(self): if not self.process: return else: self.stdout, self.stderr = self.process.communicate() if isinstance(self.stdout, bytes): self.stderr = self.stderr.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') self.stdout = self.stdout.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') return self.stdout, self.stderr
[docs] def write_config(self): """Writes all necessary files for calibration""" self.validate() if not os.path.exists(self.config_path): os.mkdir(self.config_path) # Substitue templates and save self.weightTemplateFile = self.write_weight_template_section() self.weightValueFile = self.write_weight_value_section() with open(self.config_path / 'ostIn.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(self.template.substitute(self.map_vars_to_template)) with open(self.save_script, 'w') as f: f.write(self.save_template.substitute(self.map_vars_to_save_template)) self.simulation._write_configuration() with open(self.run_script, 'w') as f: f.write(self.run_template.substitute(self.map_vars_to_run_template)) shutil.copy(self.ostrich, self.config_path / 'ostrich') # Make sure we set permissions for execution st = os.stat(self.config_path / 'ostrich') os.chmod(self.config_path / 'ostrich', st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC) st = os.stat(self.run_script) os.chmod(self.run_script, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC) st = os.stat(self.save_script) os.chmod(self.save_script, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
[docs] def write_weight_template_section(self, file_name=Path('param_mapping.tpl')) -> Path: """Write the parameter name mapping for OSTRICH""" with open(self.config_path / file_name, 'w') as f: for cp in self.calib_params: if cp.weightname.endswith('mtp'): f.write(f'{cp.realname} | {cp.weightname}\n') for tp in self.tied_params: if tp.realname.endswith('mtp'): f.write(f'{tp.realname.replace("_mtp", "")} | {tp.realname}\n') return Path('.') / file_name
[docs] def write_weight_value_section(self, file_name='param_weights.txt') -> Path: """Write the parameter values for OSTRICH""" with open(self.config_path / file_name, 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join([f'{cp.realname} | {cp.value}' for cp in self.calib_params]) + '\n') return Path('.') / file_name
def add_tied_param(self, param_name, lower_bound, upper_bound, initial_value=0.5): self.calib_params.append(OstrichParam(f'{param_name}', initial_value, (0.01, 0.99), weightname=f'{param_name}_scale')) self.tied_params.append(OstrichTiedParam(param_name, lower_bound, upper_bound)) @property def param_section(self) -> str: """Write list of calibration parameters""" return '\n'.join(str(param) for param in self.calib_params) @property def tied_param_section(self) -> str: """Write list of tied calibration parameters""" if len(self.tied_params): return '\n'.join(str(param) for param in self.tied_params) else: return '# nothing to do here' @property def response_section(self) -> str: """Write section of OSTRICH configuration for selecting metric""" try: metric_row = np.argwhere(self.cost_function == self.default_metrics)[0][0] except IndexError: metric_row = -1 return f"{self.cost_function} {self.metrics_file}; OST_NULL {metric_row} 1 ' '" @property def tied_response_section(self) -> str: """Write section for determining if we are maximizing or minimizing the metric""" if self.maximize: return f'neg{self.cost_function} 1 {self.cost_function} wsum -1.00' else: return '# nothing to do here' def open_metrics_log(self): columns = ['kge', 'mae', 'mse', 'rmse', 'nse'] if self.cost_function not in columns: columns.append(self.cost_function) file = str(self.metrics_log) if os.path.exists(file): df = pd.read_csv(file, names=columns) return df else: #TODO: Error handling return None def open_parameter_log(self): file = str(self.config_path) + '/OstModel0.txt' if os.path.exists(file): df = pd.read_csv(file, delim_whitespace=True) return df else: #TODO: Error handling return None
[docs] def validate(self): """Try to make sure the configuration is usable""" # Ensure observation data file exists assert os.path.isfile(self.obs_data_file), \ (f"Observed file path doesn't exist!" " You specified {self.obs_data_file}") # Ensure the filter function has 2 args filter_fun_args = len(dict(inspect.signature(self.filter_function).parameters)) assert filter_fun_args == 2, \ (f"The filter function must have two inputs so that it can be applied", " to both the simulated data and the observed data!") # Ensure the conversion function has 1 args convert_fun_args = len(dict(inspect.signature(self.conversion_function).parameters)) assert convert_fun_args == 1, \ (f"The conversion function must have only one input so", " that it can be applied to the observed data!") # Ensure variables for calibration match up assert self.sim_calib_vars is not None, "sim_calib_vars cannot be None!" assert self.obs_calib_vars is not None, "obs_calib_vars cannot be None!" if type(self.sim_calib_vars) == str: self.sim_calib_vars = [self.sim_calib_vars] if type(self.obs_calib_vars) == str: self.obs_calib_vars = [self.obs_calib_vars] assert len(self.sim_calib_vars) == len(self.obs_calib_vars), \ (f"The number of simulated calibration variables must match", f" the number of observed variables to compare against.", f" You gave {len(self.sim_calib_vars)} and", f" {len(self.obs_calib_vars)}, respectively") if callable(self.cost_function): self.cost_function_code = inspect.getsource(self.cost_function) self.cost_function = self.cost_function.__name__
@property def map_vars_to_template(self): """For completion of the OSTRICH input template""" return {'runScript': self.run_script, 'objectiveFun': self.objective_function, 'saveScript': self.save_script, 'preserveOutput': self.preserve_output, 'seed': self.seed, 'errval': self.errval, 'perturbVal': self.perturb_val, 'maxIters': self.max_iters, 'paramSection': self.param_section, 'tiedParamSection': self.tied_param_section, 'responseSection': self.response_section, 'tiedResponseSection': self.tied_response_section, 'costFunction': f'neg{self.cost_function}' if self.maximize else self.cost_function, 'weightTemplateFile': self.weightTemplateFile, 'weightValueFile': self.weightValueFile } @property def map_vars_to_save_template(self): """For completion of the parameter saving template""" return {'pythonPath': self.python_path, 'saveDir': self.config_path.parent / 'best_calibration', 'modelDir': self.config_path} @property def map_vars_to_run_template(self): """For completion of the model run script template""" return { 'pythonPath': self.python_path, 'summaExe': self.summa, 'fileManager': self.simulation.manager_path, 'obsDataFile': os.path.abspath(self.obs_data_file), 'simVarList': self.sim_calib_vars, 'obsVarList': self.obs_calib_vars, 'outFile': self.metrics_file, 'metricsLog': self.metrics_log, 'importStrings': self.import_strings, 'functionStrings': self.function_strings, 'costFunctionCode': self.cost_function_code, 'costFunction': self.cost_function, 'maximize': self.maximize, 'conversionFunc': "=".join(inspect.getsource(self.conversion_function).split('=')[1:]), 'filterFunc': "=".join(inspect.getsource(self.filter_function).split('=')[1:]), 'paramMappingFile': self.weightTemplateFile, 'paramWeightFile': self.weightValueFile, 'simulationArgs': self.simulation_kwargs, 'allowFailures': self.allow_failures, 'paramFile': (self.simulation.manager['settingsPath'].value + self.simulation.manager['trialParamFile'].value), }
class OstrichParam(): """ Definition of a SUMMA parameter to be optimized by OSTRICH Parameters ---------- realname: Parameter name as seen by SUMMA weightname: Parameter name as seen by OSTRICH value: Default value lower: Lower bound for parameter value upper: Upper bound for parameter value """ def __init__(self, name, value, val_range, weightname=''): self.realname = name if not weightname: self.weightname = f'{name}_mtp' else: self.weightname = weightname self.value = value self.lower, self.upper = val_range def __str__(self): return f"{self.weightname} {self.value} {self.lower} {self.upper} none none none free" class OstrichTiedParam(): def __init__(self, name, lower_param, upper_param): self.realname = f'{name}_mtp' self.weightname = f'{name}_scale' self.lower_param = f'{lower_param}_mtp' self.upper_param = f'{upper_param}_mtp' @property def type_data(self): """This corresponds to the equation y = x2 + x1x3 - x1x2""" if self.lower_param and self.upper_param: return "ratio 0 -1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 free" elif self.lower_param: raise NotImplementedError() return "" elif self.upper_param: raise NotImplementedError() return "" def __str__(self): return f"{self.realname} 3 {self.weightname} {self.lower_param} {self.upper_param} {self.type_data}"