API reference

This page provides an auto-generated summary of pysumma’s API. For more details and examples, refer to the main documentation.


class pysumma.Simulation(executable, filemanager, initialize=True, config_dir='.pysumma')[source]

The simulation object provides a wrapper for SUMMA simulations


Store standard output of the run


Handle to the process during runtime


Path to the file manager


Path to where configuration will be written


Current status of the simulation


File manager object (populated after calling initialize)


Decisions object (populated after calling initialize)


OutputControl object (populated after calling initialize)


Spatially distributed parameters (populated after calling initialize)


ForcingList object (populated after calling initialize)


GlobalParams object for hru (populated after calling initialize)


GlobalParams object for gru (populated after calling initialize)


LocalAttributes object (populated after calling initialize)


InitialConditions object (populated after calling initialize)

apply_config(config: dict)[source]

Change the settings of the simulation based on a configuration dictionary.


config – A dictionary where keys represent the type of change and the values represent the changes to be applied. A representative example might be:

:: config = {

‘file_manager’: ‘/home/user/cool_setup/file_manager_new.txt’, ‘decisions’: {‘snowLayers’: ‘CLM_2010’}, ‘parameters’: {‘albedoDecayRate’: 1e-6}, ‘trial_parameters’: {‘theta_mp’: 0.4}, ‘attributes’: {‘mHeight’: 15} }

assign_attributes(name, data)[source]

Assign new data to the local_attributes dataset.

  • name – The name (or key) of the attribute to modify
  • data – The data to change the attribute to. The shape must match the shape in the local attributes file
assign_trial_params(name, data, dim='hru', create=True)[source]

Assign new data to the spatial_params dataset.

  • name – The name (or key) of the attribute to modify
  • data – The data to change the parameter to. The shape must match the shape in the parameter trial file
get_output_files() → List[str][source]

Find output files given the stdout generated from a run


Initialize reads in all of the relevant files. This may not be desired on instantiation, so the initialize parameter can be set in the constructor. Calling this will also create a backup of the configuration that can be restored via the reset method.


Halt execution until Simulation either finishes or errors


Get the output as an xarray dataset


Restores the original settings of the Simulation

run(run_option, run_suffix='pysumma_run', processes=1, prerun_cmds=None, startGRU=None, countGRU=None, iHRU=None, freq_restart=None, progress=None, **kwargs)[source]

Run a SUMMA simulation and halt until completion or error.

  • run_option – Method to run SUMMA, must be one of either local or docker
  • run_suffix – Name to append to the output files for this SUMMA run
  • processes – Number of openmp processes to use for this run. For this to do anything SUMMA must be compiled with openmp support
  • prerun_cmds – A list of commands to execute before running SUMMA. May be necessary to set environment variables or do any preprocessing
  • startGRU – GRU index to start the simulation on (must also set countGRU if this argument is set)
  • countGRU – Number of GRU to run, starting at startGRU (must also set startGRU if this argument is set)
  • iHRU – Index of HRU to run (cannot be used with startGRU and countGRU)
  • freq_restart – Frequency to write restart files. Options include [y, m, d, never] for yearly, monthly, and daily restart files. Defaults to never
  • progress – Frequency to write stdout progress. Note this is not printed during runtime via pysumma, but can be checked after completion. Options include [m, d, h, never] for monthly, daily, and hourly output.
start(run_option, run_suffix='pysumma_run', processes=1, prerun_cmds=[], startGRU=None, countGRU=None, iHRU=None, freq_restart=None, progress=None, **kwargs)[source]

Run a SUMMA simulation without halting. Most likely this should not be used. Use the run method for most common use cases.


Ensure that the layer parameters are valid


class pysumma.Ensemble(executable: str, configuration: dict, filemanager: str = None, num_workers: int = 1, threads_per_worker: int = 1, scheduler: str = None, client: distributed.client.Client = None)[source]

Ensembles represent an multiple SUMMA configurations based on changing the decisions or parameters of a given run.


Path to the SUMMA executable


Path to the file manager


Dictionary of runs, along with settings


Number of parallel workers to use


Dictionary of run names and Simulation objects


Open and merge all of the output datasets from the ensemble run into a single dataset.


Halt computation until submitted simulations are complete


Open all of the output datasets from the ensembe and return as a dictionary of datasets

rerun_failed(run_option: str, prerun_cmds=None, monitor: bool = True)[source]

Try to re-run failed simulations.

  • run_option – Where to run the simulation. Can be local or docker
  • prerun_cmds – A list of shell commands to run before running SUMMA
  • monitor – Whether to halt operation until runs are complete
run(run_option: str, prerun_cmds=None, monitor: bool = True)[source]

Run the ensemble

  • run_option – Where to run the simulation. Can be local or docker
  • prerun_cmds – A list of shell commands to run before running SUMMA
  • monitor – Whether to halt operation until runs are complete
start(run_option: str, prerun_cmds: list = None)[source]

Start running the ensemble members.

  • run_option – The run type. Should be either ‘local’ or ‘docker’
  • prerun_cmds – A list of preprocessing commands to run

Show the user information about ensemble status


class pysumma.Distributed(executable: str, filemanager: str, num_workers: int = 1, threads_per_worker: int = 1, chunk_size: int = None, num_chunks: int = None, scheduler: str = None, client: distributed.client.Client = None)[source]

Distributed objects represent SUMMA configurations where there are multiple GRU/HRU which are expected to be run in parallel.

Currently only supports GRU based parallelization.


Path to the SUMMA executable


FileManager object


Number of parallel workers to use


List of dictionaries containing startGRU and countGRU values


Dictionary of run names and Simulation objects


Halt computation until submitted simulations are complete

run(run_option: str, prerun_cmds=None, monitor: bool = True)[source]

Run the ensemble

  • run_option – Where to run the simulation. Can be local or docker
  • prerun_cmds – A list of shell commands to run before running SUMMA
  • monitor – Whether to halt operation until runs are complete
start(run_option: str, prerun_cmds: List[T] = None)[source]

Start running the ensemble members.

  • run_option – The run type. Should be either ‘local’ or ‘docker’
  • prerun_cmds – A list of preprocessing commands to run